Pixel 2XL Incipio Case Dock
This was a simple problem. I wanted a dock for my phone (Pixel 2 XL) with the case that I like to use (Incipio Dual Pro) and there isn’t one available. The basic requirements of the dock:
Charge the phone - obviously
Hold the phone at 10° to upright - This was a quick decision made by checking the best angle for viewing the always on display based on where the dock will be placed
Not impede the speakers - The Pixel 2 XL has great front facing speakers which are close to the top and bottom of the phone which needed to be clear for optimal use while docked
Easy docking (and undocking) - The phone needs to be easily placed on the dock and aligned quickly with one hand
The solution was to design the dock myself and 3D print it. What I came up with can be seen below and the files can be downloaded from Thingiverse.
The design is quite simple and the only other part required is a right angle USB C adapter . The adapter is mounted in the dock using interference fit allowing any USB C cable to be passed through the base of the dock and keeping the height of the dock to a minimum. A few renders and photos of the end product can be seen below.